The movie of Varun Dhawan’s Baby John, an action-drama that hit the theaters this Christmastime, has not been able to strike gold. Some people even said it had not secured an OTT platform for online streaming. But there is truth: ‘Baby John’ will be released on Amazon Prime Video. The film is expected to premiere on the platform at the end of February or in the first week of March.
It is a Hindi remake of the 2016 Tamil film Theri directed by Atlee and featuring Vijay, Samantha Ruth Prabhu, and Amy Jackson. The movie is produced by Atlee and his wife Priya Atlee and Jyoti Deshpande from Jio Studios.
Baby John Varun Dhawan Movie Hindi Version
The Hindi version of the movie available is directed by Kalees. Varun Dhawan plays the role of an IPS officer in the movie, while Jackie Shroff will portray the antagonist. It also has some appearances from Salman Khan.
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