Veteran Bollywood actor Boman Irani made his first directorial debut through The Mehta Boys. As a touching family drama, the movie probes into the sensitive paternal bond of father and son during their enforced 48-hour stay together.
Veteran writer Alexander Dinelaris (Birdman) co-wrote the script with Boman Irani, who also plays a leading role alongside a talented cast that includes Avinash Tiwary, Shreya Chaudhry, and Puja Sarup. Audiences have been won over by the film, which received Best Feature Film at the 2024 Chicago South Asian Film Festival.
Boman Irani’s Success at Film Festivals
The Mehta Boys received widespread recognition throughout different international film festivals. During the Toronto International Film Festival of South Asia, Boman won Best Actor for his compelling acting.
At this year’s International Film Festival of India and Indian Film Festival Berlin, the production earned notable honors. The film achieved worldwide recognition because audiences responded to its relatable storyline, which led to multiple awards.
Boman Irani’s The Mehta Boys Streams on Prime Video
The wait is over! The Mehta Boys television series will debut on Amazon Prime Video on February 7th while offering Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, and Malayalam subtitle options.
The touching family drama will reach worldwide audiences through multilingual subtitles in 240+ territories. This powerful story requires your attention because Boman Irani has brought it to life alongside his talented crew.
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